Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
I want to try and get focused on picking it back up.
We'll see.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
And LENT begins...

Lent in 2009 will start on Wednesday, the 25th of February and will continue for 46 days until Saturday, the 11th of April.
In Western Christianity Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Holy Saturday. The six Sundays in Lent are not counted among the forty days of lent because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter", a celebration of Jesus' victory over sin and death.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dinner from the HUT

I just want to get a BIG cup of hot chocolate and snuggle in my bed with some extra pillows.
We ordered pizza from the hut. Photo of the day... yum! NOT really.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
It was just yesterday a little while ago!

Friday, February 20, 2009
Thanks for the smile!
She's working tonite and I always seem to miss her when she's working. I miss her more than if she's off with friends. Not sure why, but I do. I guess it's just tooo many mom things rattling around in the worry zone of my mind. She's a great kid and I'm very proud of her!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Raindrops keep falling on my flowers
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Well this photo happened by mistake but I'm going to take advantage of that mishap and make it work.
I'm pms'n and a bit melancholy, missing my dog, I have 3 people in my life that are ailing (I'm talking more serious stuff than your basic bug), my 16 year old is having a mini meltdown over all this stuff as well. It's tough trying to explain how life can go along just happy and fine for a long time and then it's not so good for a bit. I'm trying to help her understand how sometimes there is nothing you can do to make it better, but that it will get better. I want her to understand that your own personal attitude can make or break almost any situation. Although she's 16, what can I say that she'll believe?? I hope that she'll atleast believe the part about how much I love her and will do all that I can to help her. But I'll settle just for her believing how much I love her.
My photo today is pretty self explanatory -- it's my "voice" here in cyberspace. Hope it wasn't tooo whiney! ;)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Go! Go! Go!

I found it quite comical!! And scrap worthy!
The LO was created using a mini-kit created by Chaos Lounge... you can find it at Enchanted Studio Scraps .
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Eyes Wide Open
Saturday, February 14, 2009
He sent flowers!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Toe Time
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Where did those 2 days go??

Monday, February 9, 2009
SWEET sixteen
May all your wishes come true!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Nanny?
I loved my Nanny beyond measure! She was Lena Elizabeth Crank according to her drivers license, her taxes and probably her church's directory. To me she was my Great-grandma and she was really GREAT!!
My photo of the day is of Nanny. I came across it yesterday at my grandad's house. The photo was taken in 1984. She passed away in 1990.
She was the kind of grandma that every child should have at least one of. I used to love to go spend the night with her, go to church with her, go to K & W Cafeteria to eat with her. She had one of those old cars where the dash board was still metal and there was no shoulder strap, just a lap belt. But she made me sure I was buckled. Her washing machine had the 2 rollers that would squeeze the water out -- no spin cycle. She cooked from scratch, no recipe book required, most times there wasn't even need for a can opener -- and it was ALL incredible! Every night she taped a curl to each side of her head just in front of the each ear, and wore a scarf to protect her "style". Bedtime prayers were at the side of the bed on your knees and could take a while!
Oh the memories! : )
Let me introduce you to my Nanny...

Saturday, February 7, 2009
White Christmas... tree?
A plastic white tree that has been up and in the living room for probably atleast 10 years or so. Please check out the arm of the couch I'm sitting on! Blue floral velvet! Hmmmmm.
Friday, February 6, 2009
A short story in photos
I brought those in and went back to sit, waiting patiently for the birds. It might be a good idea for me to fill the feeders!! I was waiting and waiting.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Back at home
He's back at home. He's here with us, as much as he can be.
And while it brings more tears and some sadness, it also brings comfort.
My photo of the day ~
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
One week
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Few Flakes
Well the snow disappeared as quickly as it came. I don't have a window in my office at work so I missed its departure. I hope it comes again soon and brings with it LOTS!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
$1 sweet tea
Ok, not the tea, but the McD's drive thru where I order my sweet tea.
I was on my way to a meeting today and I thought, "oh wow, I really need a sweet tea."
Need?? or want?? Today I needed it!! It's one dollar, and of course an additional 5 tiny pennies in tax.
I was on the way to a meeting to listen to a message being presented regarding the 52 million dollar deficit that our county's school district is facing. Yep, I may need to look for another job... won't really know anything until about mid-March, and that will be a "conditional" piece of information.
I only started with the school district in July 2007, so I'm fairly low on the totem pole when the chopping begins. It's madness -- the not knowing.
The meeting which in the end was not very informational took up more than 2 hours of my day.
I already had a headache from emails and constant conversations regarding the RIF (reduction in force) that had gone on ALL day long.
Now here I sit my sweet tea long gone, and a whiskey sour in my cup, head spinning, heart racing... ya know what, I need some theraputic digital scrapbooking to take my mind off this whole mess!
But here's to the McD's DOLLAR sweet tea!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Back on track

Oliver my best boy, I know you will always be with me in my heart -- you're a true soulmate.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Fabulous Blog?? Really?

I got an award!!! I can't even believe it!
How sweet! Thanx LoriAnn aka Ellay !
The award requests that I list five addictions and present the award to 5 fabulous blogs.
So, I would say I'm addicted to 1) coffee w/ cream & sugar, 2) digital scrapbookin', 3) my family, 4) photography, 5) ultra fine pens. These are in alphabetical order. Why? Because "no particular order" sounded casual and careless. ;)
And I would like to present this award to 1) Candace - she has extremely beautiful children and talent galore in her scrap LOs, 2) Deb - she is diligent & interesting in her 365 project and I like that!!, 3) Imzadi - turtles, tattoos, and always interesting stuff , 4) Brenda - I just totally love looking at the cute stuff her kids do , and 5) Rebecca - her's is not a 365, but it's packed with digi scrap stuff and very cool tunes!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friends from long ago and far away
We shared meals, fishing trips, hikes, tears, holidays, laughter and love. We spent 3 years in the same neighborhood, on the same island in Alaska. Then in 2001 Jeff, Carrie and Joshua got their orders. They were leaving Kodiak, going to Mobile, AL. And they went. In 2002 we left Kodiak and went to Ft. Dix, NJ. In 2003 we went to AL and stayed with them for about 3 weeks while Mike had a Coast Guard school to attend on Jeff's base.
In 2004 Jeff, Carrie, and Joshua moved to VA. They added to the family with Melaina Rose. In 2005 we all got together for my 40th birthday party, which was held in Virginia. In 2006 Mike retired from the Coast Guard and we moved to VA. We're not in the same town, matter of fact we're well over an hour away. We get together from time to time to laugh, eat good food, drink some beer, play some Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble and to be friends!!
Last night they were in town, and we went out for pizza, came back to the house; the kids played guitar hero for a while and the adults just hung out talking, laughing and being friends up close and in the present!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
51 degrees
My photos today are refreshing too -- or I think so anyway! It's a compilation of a few of the goodies that my backyard holds. And of course one photo of me at the computer enjoying my handiwork.
My backyard is a haven to me. It's pretty secluded and a bit natural / woodsy. In the spring and fall I almost live out there with a great glass of wine, or a cold beer, or sometimes sweet tea, just kicked back in my glider.
Ok, my friends have arrived from out of town. Maybe I'll take some pix of them and post more later!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hangin' out
The dog watching me,
watching the cat,
who was oblivious to everyone except herself.
And the dog is licking his chops!
First day back at work and I'm ready for bed.
Maybe I'll do a little crocheting before.
Seriously tho', I have to get out a bit and get some more creative photos. It's just toooo darn cold!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A do nothing day.
Well, not really "nothing", I did have to take Mallory to the orthodontist.
Then we picked up some Chick-fil-a for our enjoyment during the inauguration.
Then I took a nap.
I also enjoyed the look of my new den wall!!
Photo of the day -- me, enjoying my fresh wall.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Before and After

These flowers are all extracted from photos that I have taken, and I am SO excited that I DID IT!!!!
How I hate to click the "x" now but I have to get up and moving 'cause DH and I are doing some den painting and such today.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Technical Difficulties
Technology is really on my last nerve at the moment! I have yet to get the &@#+! background to work out. And now I can not get my phone photos to my email!!!! I tried asking my dear sweet teenager, but she is completely consumed with a movie and a sleepover friend to patiently help me out!
I could rant on for a few more paragraphs but I will just end with my photo of the day and call it a night! ; )
It's a photo of my phone that is holding my other photos captive!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow we are painting a wall in our den! That should make for some more interesting pix!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Workin' for a livin' ... or a car!
Mike and I are very proud of her. Although it was a struggle to get her to get out and look for a job, she's been dedicated and even eager most days. She's been employed since August and her financial goal will be a real photo to treasure!!! More on Ali and her accomplishment to follow.
Friday, January 16, 2009
The other leg has a huge bruise that is about 7 inches long and 1 inch wide. I'm thankful that my tumble didn't leave me with any facial cuts or bruises!!
It was a take it easy, scrappin' kinda day. I'm posting my scrap cre8ions on my cre8ive blog. Go take a peek...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Real Simple

I really love the "new uses for old things".
Monday, January 12, 2009
358 more to go
I'm totally proud of myself!
Most people who love to take photographs are not usually the subject of the photographs. Probably due to the shortness of the average human arm, adding to it the fact that it's hard to know what shot you're getting if the camera is backward and cockeyed.
So... my thought for today was ME. I thought I should get in front of the camera instead of being behind it. So I did. I made the time to set it up with the timer and positioning. Sometimes I was caught by people entering the room and sometimes I was just posing like any goofy self-portrait taking goof would do. The end result... me, just me. I had a few silly chuckles out of the time I spent and now someday my kids might come across these pix and say, "who took these?"

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday, I go to church

The rocks in this wall and the wall itself make me think of various things. Sometimes I think on the representation of strength. It can also make me ponder little things in life fit together. The time it must have taken to construct it, what do the workers talk about or did one person work alone with their thoughts. The wall really draws me in and always seems to make me feel good. (Does that sound weird?)

At the top of the wall is an amazing window. It's a blending of Christian symbols. Some of the pieces seem so intricate and sometimes not really right in my eye. I love it none the less, and I guess that's because it is the "symbol" that says MY CHURCH. My church is a place I love to go. And that's what I do on Sunday, I go to church. And sometimes I go on other days too! ; )
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Do you need to know the numbers??
I love fresh veggies, almost all of them. I much prefer something from the grill than from the fry daddy. And I usually always choose water over a soda.
This morning however I was feeling a little "bad", like I wanted something yummy, sweet and my photo of the day makes me feel like it was "bad karma" to have that treat I wanted to give myself. Whadda you think???
Now mind you I didn't even buy that Count Chocula cereal. My mom gave it to my 2 dd at Halloween!!! Can you say "spooooooky" that the one day I want to eat the "bad" cereal it's numbers are hidden, to the back, unlike the Cheerios (frosted & regular) and the Special K???
I ate it anyway, and enjoyed every last drop of that chocolaty milk that was soy by the way. ;)
tee hee hee
Friday, January 9, 2009
Family Tree