A very touching song by Mark Harris. Enjoy!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Today I've been babying my knee! With EQUATE's version of NeoSporin, I'm trying to keep it moist and clean. You can see the bruising too! Uuuugh!

The other leg has a huge bruise that is about 7 inches long and 1 inch wide. I'm thankful that my tumble didn't leave me with any facial cuts or bruises!!

It was a take it easy, scrappin' kinda day. I'm posting my scrap cre8ions on my cre8ive blog. Go take a peek... http://t3r3sagetscre8ive.blogspot.com/


  1. OUCH! I hope that heals up soon!

  2. oh no! I can't belive you hurt yourself that bad just falling at your desk! It sounds like something I could do. LOL
