Of course it's another post about my sweetest boy... OLIVER. He's back at home. He's here with us, as much as he can be. And while it brings more tears and some sadness, it also brings comfort.
My photo of the day ~ If you've ever lost a pet, I hope that someone shared Rainbow Bridge with you.
I love an awesome pair of flipflops, an ice cold beer, naps, holding hands, the smell of rain & the look in my childrens' eyes when they realize "Mom was right"!
Oooooh yeah, and I l♥ve to take pictures!!!
* I also enjoy your comments ~ maybe you'll take a minute and leave me one? :)
What a sweet way to remember your pet. It’s simply beautiful.
Where did you find that beautiful wooden box for him? My DH is just in a plastic box. I so happy you found Oliver something so beautiful.