A very touching song by Mark Harris. Enjoy!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

$1 sweet tea

I love McD's $1 sweet tea. It's my photo of the day.

Ok, not the tea, but the McD's drive thru where I order my sweet tea.
I was on my way to a meeting today and I thought, "oh wow, I really need a sweet tea."
Need?? or want?? Today I needed it!! It's one dollar, and of course an additional 5 tiny pennies in tax.

I was on the way to a meeting to listen to a message being presented regarding the 52 million dollar deficit that our county's school district is facing. Yep, I may need to look for another job... won't really know anything until about mid-March, and that will be a "conditional" piece of information.

I only started with the school district in July 2007, so I'm fairly low on the totem pole when the chopping begins. It's madness -- the not knowing.

The meeting which in the end was not very informational took up more than 2 hours of my day.
I already had a headache from emails and constant conversations regarding the RIF (reduction in force) that had gone on ALL day long.

Now here I sit my sweet tea long gone, and a whiskey sour in my cup, head spinning, heart racing... ya know what, I need some theraputic digital scrapbooking to take my mind off this whole mess!

But here's to the McD's DOLLAR sweet tea!

1 comment:

  1. I looooove sweet tea. I don't drink it much, but every once in a while, you just have to have it!! LOL. I'm in the South, so it's everywhere here. But I never could find it when we went to visit my in-laws in Iowa. But NOW, McDonalds has it there, too...and it is gooooooooood!!!! Great photo!

    I hate those meetings where there is really nothing to say, but they feel like that have to have a meeting. I really hope things work out with your job...these are scary times.
