Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Bedhead ok, no make up required
Just the mention of doing a new family photo can get everyone uptight and stressing. It can even lead to a pimple outbreak! So for this family photo I wanted to try and alleviate all worry and aggrevation by using this little twist:
Thanksgiving Day 2011
family photo,
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thought for the day
Wow, it's been a long time since I posted here. I need to work on that. : /
The holidays have been a flurry of activity, most of it happy, happy memories, some of it a learning experience. I use this quote from time to time to remind myself that "you're ok, I'm ok, it's gonna be ok".
So I added a cool font, some cheery color and a little doodling. Maybe one day it will be worth something to you!! : )
The holidays have been a flurry of activity, most of it happy, happy memories, some of it a learning experience. I use this quote from time to time to remind myself that "you're ok, I'm ok, it's gonna be ok".
So I added a cool font, some cheery color and a little doodling. Maybe one day it will be worth something to you!! : )
And during my holiday 'break' I have been introduced to the latest craze of Pinterest. So I took a little more time to create this:
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It's finally fall
I came home today to find the lonely leaf laying by the door as if it was saying "bbbrrrrrrr, please let me in".
It made me smile, 'cause I love fall -- the colors, the rustling of the leaves, the cooler temperatures.
Happy Fall to ALL!! : )
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Watching the Clouds Go By
This afternoon was soooooo gorgeous! The wind was blowing a constant breeze that just blew all my worries away -- for the time being anyway. The sky was so blue and the sun peeking thru the trees.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Melaina Rose
We made a trip over to Yorktown to visit with our old friends Jeff and Carrie. We met them on the ferry on our way to Kodiak. They are our gamies... we love to compete, most times guys against dolls!! ; )
This is their little girl, Melaina and their fat cat, Bo. I love them both and love to watch them play together.
(And this photo of her came out much better than our game pix!!! rofl )
This is their little girl, Melaina and their fat cat, Bo. I love them both and love to watch them play together.
(And this photo of her came out much better than our game pix!!! rofl )
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Wall circles
We painted our living room walls back in the spring. I have been searching, seeking, hunting, and I even tried creating something to go on the wall over our couch. In my mind I pretty much knew what I was looking for. Finding it and being willing to pay for it made the search difficult. "Art" can be quite costly. And I'm not one to spend large amounts for things like that. So the wall was there, bare.
As of today it is no longer a naked! I was at Khol's shopping for bedsheets. There were sales in every department and I had a coupon for an additional 30% off. I doubted I would find anything but thought 'what the heck, let me take a look' -- and I hurried in to their 'art' department.
As of today it is no longer a naked! I was at Khol's shopping for bedsheets. There were sales in every department and I had a coupon for an additional 30% off. I doubted I would find anything but thought 'what the heck, let me take a look' -- and I hurried in to their 'art' department.
There it was!!! The (almost) exact thing I had been searching for, on a 40% sale, plus my additional 30% off!!! When I say almost, it just wasn't the color I wanted so I spray painted it black.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Allison, Allison
Allison is our older daughter. She has a heart that's golden and giagantic, but unless you have four legs you might not see this right away. ; ) Born in July 1991 she is a true Cancerian -- a little crabby but also kind and nurturing, emotional and loving, intuitive and imaginative, protective and sympathetic.
I love you Ali!! All day, every day, forever and a day!! oxoxo, m♥m
I love you Ali!! All day, every day, forever and a day!! oxoxo, m♥m
Bye-bye September
All that is left of another month is the memories and the photographs.
I'm hoping that this will be my last collage entry. My plan is to start posting individually and daily! We'll see how it goes... ; )
I'm hoping that this will be my last collage entry. My plan is to start posting individually and daily! We'll see how it goes... ; )
Making more fresh salsa! How can you not l♥ve this stuff??? Monday is the night for bowling for the next 30 weeks!!! Mike and Stephen discuss the pin count. Tuesday night we were going thru old fashion photo albums!!! Remember when you kept tangible photos in a big book?!? I d♥!!! Wednesday was a cold rainy night -- perfect for sitting on the couch under a blanket doing some crochet. And the last day of the month (September 30, 2010) I took Allison to see Dr. Block -- the periodontist! He makes me wish there was something wrong with my gums!! LOL ; )
Dr. Block,
fresh salsa,
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
One day, or several ...
One day I hope to be so organized that I could actually take and post my photos on a daily basis! While I'm good at taking at least ONE photo each day, I never seem to make or take the time to get it posted.
So here is my next catch-up collage. September 20 - 25.
So here is my next catch-up collage. September 20 - 25.
On Monday we grilled lots of goodies! Tuesday was my time for toes!! Wednesday I had to leave work early, feeling B-A-D. (And now I realize that my photos are out of order ? : / ) On Thursday Allison was feeling bad and went to the doctor... she got a Rx of Tamiflu. Friday I thought I was feeling better and made some more yummy goodies -- eggplant, peppers, baby bellos, and vidalia onions. Then I was actually feeling better by Saturday and we had some friends over, at the end of the night there was one, lone beer.
Monday, September 27, 2010
09.19.10, FRISBEE GOLF ? ?
Have you played it?? It's sometimes called disc golf.
This is what Mike and I did on Sunday -- it was a nice day to get up and get out, so we did.
This is what Mike and I did on Sunday -- it was a nice day to get up and get out, so we did.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Another catch-up collage
This week of pix starts on Sunday, 09.12.10 with a big kiss and a hug, XO -- this can be found on the Yorktown Training Center Coast Guard Base in, you guessed it, Yorktown, VA. Then it was back to the lanes on Monday -- Mike is bowling this season and I'm going to be the cheerleader! ; ) Tuesday, I had the camera at work to take some pix of the students, and snapped a couple of my co-workers, Rachel (she's the one "waving", rofl ) and Pam (busy on the phone). Then I tried cooking a beer can chicken -- it was delicious! Thursday we had to go to the visitation for Virginia State Trooper, Mark Barrett -- he passed away during a dive training exercise. Friday brought a great treat -- the boss shut the office down and took everyone out to TGI Fridays for a late lunch!! Cheers to successfully getting thru the first two weeks of the 2010-2011 school year!! Then today Mallory and I went for a yummy BLT on Cary Street at Mrs. Marshall's Carytown Cafe. We sat on the sidewalk doing a little people watching -- always worth a chuckle or two! ; )
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sweet Saturday
Sweet and Dry -- that's what you'll get on a wine tasting tour.
That's what Mike and I did today. We went to Grayhaven Winery and then to Cooper Vineyards. Cooper was much nicer and the wines were MUCH better -- Mike was extremely impressed by their Sangria! We got a couple of Heart of Virginia Wine Trail glasses, talked to some nice people and enjoyed a nice drive.
Finally Friday
What an awesome way to end the week -- a week that seemed like it would go on forever and ever. But it can all be soothed and forgotten when your boss lets you leave an hour early!! Oh yea!!
Here's how I spent my "free" time.
Here's how I spent my "free" time.
I poured myself a glass of wine, took my book out on the deck, put my bare feet up and chilled! After a bit of unwinding I got a blanket for a little nap in the shade on the hammock in the yard. It was an awesome way to start the weekend after a VERY long 4 day work week.
3 x 3 = 9
Trying to get caught up... September 1-9
The month of September started off right! Mike and I waited until almost 7pm to eat dinner so everyone would be done with work and we met up at IHOP. It was a real heart warmer to have all 4 of us at the same table -- and the conversation was light and fun! It made my heart smile!!! Then we celebrated our 21st anniversary on the 2nd -- I bought Mike a telescoping back scratcher for when I'm not around. On the 3rd it was back to the empty nest, so we went to Cici's for dinner -- we are in love with their new Tuscan crust!! On the 4th Mallory and I took a road trip to Misenheimer, NC where her boyfriend, Buck is attending Pfeiffer College, playing volleyball. It was just a quick overnight trip, so on Sunday before we left we went to Pizza Hut for a bite to eat -- Buck wrote Mallory a note in pizza sauce!! The 6th was Labor Day, and even the dog took a much needed rest!! LOL : D NO, the 7th was not a day of celebration but a day of aggrevation -- a nice glass of Muscadine wine from Old Stone Winery in NC washed all the worries away!! And by Wednesday, Mallory took a much needed nap. Then by Thursday my feet had had all they could take of work shoes -- but I got tons on compliments on my new dress!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
08.31.10 There's a fungus amungus!! ; )
That rhyme makes me chuckle!! Silly, I know.
Mike and I were doing some backyard chores and we found these mushrooms. Thought they were pretty cool looking ... worth a photo.
Mike and I were doing some backyard chores and we found these mushrooms. Thought they were pretty cool looking ... worth a photo.
08.30.10 Mitsubishi Mal
Mallory asked me to go for a drive this evening. She's happy with her new (used) Mitsubishi! We went to Rita's for a little sweet treat.
08.29.10 Feelin' green
GREEN in a good, healthy way!! ; )
Mike and I were out running some errands today and we made a stop at The Fresh Market!
08.28.10 You can't say THAT!
Tonite we had our friends, The Martins, over for dinner and some game time. Of course we always play guys against the girls -- tonite the girls were the W I N N E R S!! Whooooo hoooo!!
Usually we play Trivial Pursuit, but tonite's game was Catch Phrase.
From left around the table, Jeff, Carrie, Mike & Me!
08.27.10 Key ... $69.95
Mallory's new car only came with one key. So we needed to get a spare made. The dealer charges about $80, but Pleasant's Hardware does them for $69.95. Cha ching, saving is saving is saving.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
08.26.10 Deck time
Some time spent on the deck ... in his PJs.
We didn't get to stay out for very long because of the mosquitos!! : /
08.25.10 Mallory gets a car ... finally!
She got a job back in December and has been working and saving. She has only spent about $500 of her own money since she started working! Well today her hard work has paid off -- she got her first car, a 2000 Mitsubishi Gallant.
Hoooooray Mallory!! Please drive safely!!! Watch out for the idiot drivers on the road! xoxox M♥m
08.24.10 Hard drink for a harder day
When I have had a really hard day, this is my beverage of choice . . . Mike's HARDER Cranberry Lemonade.

It was a wonderful afternoon, a refreshing way to end a really hard day at the office. The weather was the perfect kinda weather, virtually no humidity, a slight breeze and the sun gently peeking thru the trees as it began to set ... cold drink in my hand!!!

It was a wonderful afternoon, a refreshing way to end a really hard day at the office. The weather was the perfect kinda weather, virtually no humidity, a slight breeze and the sun gently peeking thru the trees as it began to set ... cold drink in my hand!!!
08.23.10 Yum yum hum hum hummus
Yesterday when I went to lunch with my mom and sister I ordered an appetizer that had some delicious hummus, with crusty bread, pita wedges, crumbled feta cheese, diced tomato & black olives. It really was refreshing. Today I got the idea to try and make my own hummus. It was almost as yummy, but I think the old fashion hand masher left a little to be desired in the consistency. I ate it with the thin triangle Triscuits -- YUMMUS HUMMUS!!! ; )
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