A very touching song by Mark Harris. Enjoy!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Go! Go! Go!

It was Mallory's weekend... she turned 16 on Monday, Feb 9th. Well when your birthday falls on a week day you save the party until the weekend. Which for Mallory it happened to be Valentine's Day. She had 2 of her cousins, Cameron & Morgan (pictured above), her sister of course, and 2 friends come to hang out for the weekend. They had manicures, and went out to eat and to a movie and just 'cruising around'. As much as I could I took photos. By Sunday evening this was the response I got! "Go away and stop taking pictures of us PUH-LEEEZE!"

I found it quite comical!! And scrap worthy!
The LO was created using a mini-kit created by Chaos Lounge... you can find it at Enchanted Studio Scraps .


  1. LOL!! That's great!! I love the photo...and that mini kit is sooo cute! I loke the torn paper look you got. Great LO!

  2. Jen's kit is SO fabulous! It is totally fresh and perfect for teen photos!
