A very touching song by Mark Harris. Enjoy!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

project 365 or in my case 360

Since today is January 5th, I'm a bit behind in the project. However not so far behind that it's too late to bother. I'm IN!!

So here I go -- and I'll start with a photo tomorrow!

First, I'm still new to this blog stuff. I'm sure I'm missing lots of features and I'm frustrated at the difficulty I'm having in adding some creativity to the look of it. But for now I'm just going with it!

First day back at work after the 2 week holiday break. I'm exhausted!! It was good to get back, to see people and interact -- just a little chaotic.

The Echanted Studio Scrap Gallery is finally open and THAT is a thrill!!! So I need to get my stuff posted! :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world, from a 1981 LBHS graduate.
